Rent offices in Hanseviertel

Hohe Bleichen 22, Hamburg Get in contact
// Your office in the best location

Your fully equipped office in the heart of Hamburg city center

In an absolute premium location and in a very special property at Hohe Bleichen 22, as a prominent part of the well-known “Hanseviertel”, we have secured the best seats on the top floor.

On the 5th floor, our customers can present themselves in high-quality, fully equipped offices with cooling.

Almost every office in the Brandenburgerhaus has an exclusive rooftop loggia with sun exposure and beautiful views of the City Hall and over the roofs of Hamburg. In-house parking spaces, a shower and a perfect infrastructure complete the offer. In addition to our already successfully established locations in exclusively prime address locations, the property at Hohe Bleichen 22 is a perfect addition to our portfolio of services. We are already very much looking forward to this further top location and are sure that customers will well accept these extraordinary offices with their own loggias.

Work, of course, comes first. But these offices motivate beyond the normal. Both because of the great equipment and because of the partly unique view axes.

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Impressions from our center Hohe Bleichen

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